I'm so proud
My friend, Mark Lyon, is now a national celebrity.
Mark signed up to participate in "The Exteme Mustang Makeover." This was a competition where 100 horse trainers were each given a wild Mustang and 100 days to train it.
Mark won it hands down.
The link is to a video of his winning performance. You might be surprised to see that his saddle comes loose and he actually falls off during this performance, but watch the horse. When a saddle comes loose and slips to the side or under the belly, most horses will run off bucking and kicking until the saddle comes completely off - usually in several pieces, but Mark's horse stops and turns to Mark "awaiting further instruction," so to speak. This is a significant display of the trust this horse has in his trainer.
And oh, yeah - he also walks through fire for him.
The four year old horse's name is Christian - because he truly is born again.
Congratulations, Mark!
(The video is about 3 minutes)
Here is more info if you're interested: