Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You can see pictures of the scenes I described if you go to www.alplm.org. Click on "Museum" and start at "Journey 1" over on the left.


Sue said...

Makes me want to take a trip to Springfield.

Mary Connealy said...

The part about Holding Onto Lincoln reminded me of a story I heard about how Lincoln, Nebraska became our capitol on a tour with Elm Creek School.
Omaha was completely and totally set to the be capitol but they (whoever 'they' are) decided there had to be a vote. So, thinking they were smart, the powers that be decided to put tiny little Lincoln, Nebraska down as the other choice...mainly choosing it because everyone hated Abraham Lincoln and no one would vote for a town named that.
Well, they picked the two choices and then Lincoln was shot.
In a swell of sympathy and new found affection for Abe, the vote went to Lincoln for our state capitol.