Thursday, July 22, 2010

How I spent my summer vacation:

Attended a lovely wedding in one of the most beautiful Catholic churches in South Dakota.

Laughed ‘til I cried – several times. There are a number of waitresses between here and North Dakota who can verify…

Reconnected with a very cherished childhood friend/cousin and her awesome family.

Used 8 rolls of 35 mm film. (24 exp each) Yup – I’ll be posting pix soon.

Gained 8 pounds.

Finished reading a great book (Captivating by John and Stasie Eldridge – every woman in the world needs to read this book!)

Ran out of:
Clean clothes
Deodorant (sorry)

Maxed out a MC.
Had just enough food to get home…

Best vacation EVER!!!

Life is good.

And how did you spend your summer vacation?

PS - if you need a house sitter, I had the best one on the planet. Will deifinitely recommend him to anyone.