Friday, November 14, 2008

f-stop Friday


These are all on my place.


Ralph said...

That last fence is pretty nice.
I checked out recipes yesterday nwill probably make a few this weekend.

Marla said...

It's good to see that you have not run out of F things yet!!

Jamie Dawn said...

Country fencing.
Very nice shots.
You are blessed to live on such great land.
I know you enjoy it.

Jim said...

I like your fences. They look good, strong, and pretty straight.
"Good fences make good neighbors?"

Jerry in Texas said...

Boy, does that bring back some bad memories. Spent much of my youth either building or tearing down temporary fencing for the hogs.

Then after I moved away, they got rid of the hogs, and tore down all the fences.

I do admire a straight fence though. It's hard to do.

Mary Connealy said...

I spent Saturday in the historical museum in Onawa Iowa and they had a collection for barbed wire. EXTENSIVE. there must have been 100 different kinds. Strange hobby collecting barbed wire. but pretty interesting.

Your fence post (pun intended) made me think of that.

Rachel said...

I like your fences too! Country life. Nothing like it!!