This is a picture of the Bertha, Nebraska Dance Hall. It is located at almost the geographic center of Burt County Nebraska. Bertha is a tiny community consisting of the Dance Hall and two or three farm places. There used to be a schoolhouse about a mile north of the dance hall, but it’s all gone and the site is overgrown with weeds and cluttered with junk.
I don’t know how long the Dance Hall has been there, but I was doing some historical research and stumbled across an ad in a 1927 issue of the Burt County Herald that there was going to be a revival there with an internationally famous guest speaker who specialized in Prophecy.
Lawrence Welk and his band played at the Bertha Dance Hall many times. And it’s where my mom and dad first got together as a couple, through Dad’s cousin and Mom’s best friend: Tom Coneally and Marybelle Roscoe. Tom and Marybelle eventually married and remained close friends with my folks all their lives.
Myrna once told me she drank her first beer parked on the road outside the Dance Hall. Maybe she can elaborate on that experience.
While I was standing on the road taking this picture, one of the residents of one of the houses came out and got into her vehicle and left. She kept an eye on me, though and waited politely until it was obvious I was done taking the photo, before she drove into my line of sight. She gave us a friendly wave. I’m guessing this kind of thing happens to her a lot.
I have a friend that has a farm in Bertha. Don't blink or you will miss the town.
Bertha also had a general store and "beer joint" just east of the dance hall.
This might be the dance hall where Joyce met George.
Dad - do you remember?
I think this is the Dance Hall. I remember her telling me it was in Burt County. Has to be the same one. Thanks, Janell!
You're welcome, Stephanie! I'm glad you liked seeing this picture. Maybe we can take a drive out there during the picnic in July.
Cool that Tom and Marybelle made your blog, Janell. Marybelle is the only person I know who sometime still slips and calls your mom Rachel Anderson.
I suppose that was Sheila Beckstrom waiting on that road. They own all of Bertha now and live in one of the remaining houses. They had their kids high school graduations in the hall, so I've been in it a few times..
Think there was a garage--or at least a mechanic there. Harry Ruhe?? Also the site of the informational / organizational meeting for the Burt County REA in the late thirties.
I live about 3 miles south of there, and I know very closely the family who lives in the blue house right to the left of the dance hall. I think it is cool that you posted about Bertha because, although famous in Burt County, no one really knows much about it or where it is.
My grandfather (Oscar Bring) along with his brother (John Bring) owned and ran a general store, called Bring Brothers Stsore, in the building east of the dance hall from 1903-1910. My grandfather went to Craig to get supplies to resell and sometimes did that with his Indian motorcycle. Lee Bring
My grandparents, Clifford and Verna Anderson, did most of their dancing at Bertha. The Anderson farm was two miles south of the dance hall.
My Daddy Audrey M Youell with my Mother use to go to this dance Hall. Daddy also played his violin with the Lawrence Welk band. This was in the late 1930's If any body knows anything more on this I would love to hear more.
My Mom and Dad, Edna and Adolf Sunderman went to many dances at the Bertha Dance Hall in the 40's and 50's. They saw Lawrence Welk there. My sister Bonita Going told me that mom and dad would dance and she and my brothers would sleep upstairs on the wooden benchs. This was all before I came along but Bonita has very fond memories of Bertha,
My mom and my aunts used to go here for dances many times. When I was a kid, my grandpa would take me to the store at Bertha and buy me a cold orange soda. Wow, such memories!
My senior class had our senior skip day party here! It was quite a huge bash! My friend and I spent the the night in our sleeping bags on the stage! What a neat old building!
My Grandfather Alfred Olson constructed this Hall in 1920.
Signed Robert Goodman (gandggoodman@gmail.com
The Wesley McCluskey family lived in the house to the east of the dance hall. Wesley ran the road grader for the country. The kids used to pick up the pop bottles after the dances and take them to Craig and sell them.
Grandma and grandpa Roy Fuller Lived 3/4 mile from Berths and Lawrence Welk danced with my grandma Maggie
That would make sense since i was told that the building at the north end of bertha was to house the county maintainer.
My family lives beside the Bertha Hall for years. Jim and I moved there with Mom and Dad McCluskey and Tim and Randy were born later.Shorty Olson and the Becks trim family lived North of us.
The general store was also our post office.
Harry and Hess Ruhe lived west of Bertha Hall. Harry passed away but Hess lived in Bertha with her daughter Iva for years.
I was told the opening underneath the stairs leading into the hall was to stable the horses out of the weather, cannot validate that information but it's part of the legend.
Are u speaking of George and Joyce Smith? I am Opal's daughter in law(Joyce's sister). I've heard many stories about the things that went on in that dance hall. Jim and Opal went there - Opal to dance and JJim to fight.
I grew up in berths I think I was 13 years old when we moved out of Bertha. I have A lot of memories in Bertha.i like to here more about it from people.
Would love to see this facility restored to public access and utilized as a community meeting hall for Bertha Township. Nebraska Civil Defense Corporation is keen to this sort of place that ties history and communities together for the greater good.
Hello! I know this is an old blog entry, but I prayerfully send this comment knowing it will find it's way. We are restoring Bertha Hall! We will need volunteers and donations of expertise and materials to make this happen. Please contact me with any pictures and stories. I will have https://berthahall.com active by the end of the week of November 1st 2021. For now you can contact me at housetops@gmail.com My name is Colby.
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